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Hey there! I'm Raissa "Artista", and I'm a 26-year-old woman born and raised in Cameroon, Africa until the age of 6 when my family and I migrated to the United States. Since I was a child, I've had an immense love for art, music, and everything related to the creative field. Whether it was painting, singing, or writing, I found solace and fulfillment in expressing myself through these mediums.

As I journeyed through life, I found myself straying away from my faith. However, in August 2022, I experienced a life-changing moment when I was saved by the grace of God. It was a profound awakening that reminded me of the power and unconditional love of our Creator and Heavenly Father, God. From that point on, I made a decision to rededicate my life to serving God and to spread His love in every way possible.

That's when the idea for my clothing brand, "SGBM" (Small Girl Big Mission), was born. The name reflects my personal journey—a small girl with big dreams and an even bigger mission to bring people closer to God. Through SGBM, I aim to combine my passion for creativity with my newfound devotion to the Lord.

SGBM is not just about fashion; it's a platform to express and share the Word and Love of God through creative and affordable Christian apparel. I believe that clothing can be a powerful tool for communication and self-expression. Each design is carefully crafted with love and purpose, aiming to inspire, uplift, and spark conversations about faith.

My vision for SGBM goes beyond just selling clothes. I want to create a community where believers can come together, support one another, and encourage each other's spiritual growth. I strive to bring joy, hope, and faith into people's lives through the messages conveyed by our designs.

Join me on this incredible journey as we make a positive impact in the world. Together, we can spread the Word and Love of God far and wide, using the creative gifts He has blessed us with. Let's embrace our smallness and fearlessly pursue our big mission, one stylish garment at a time.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible adventure with me!

In His love,

Raissa "Artista"

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